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interpretations. In Occultism, however, and in relation to the human
principles (exoterically), it is a term to express the state of our dual
Manas, when, reunited during a man's life, it bathes in the radiance of
Buddhi, the Spiritual Soul. For Taijas means the radiant, and Manas,
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The Key To Theosophy - HP Blavatsky.txt
becoming radiant in consequence of its union with Buddhi, and being, so to
speak, merged into it, is identified with the latter; the trinity has become
one; and, as the element of Buddhi is the highest, it becomes Buddhi-Taijas
. In short, it is the human soul illuminated by the radiance of the divine
soul, the human reason lit by the light of the Spirit or Divine
Cabala (Heb.)
The hidden wisdom of the Hebrew Rabbis of the middle ages derived from the
older secret doctrines concerning divine things and cosmogony, which were
combined into a theology after the time of the captivity of the Jews in
All the works that fall under the esoteric category are termed Cabalistic.
Caste Originally the system of the four hereditary classes into which Indian
population was divided: Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaisya, and Sudra-(a)
descendant of Brahm; (b) warrior; (c) mercantile, and (d) the lowest or
agricultural Sudra class. From these four, hundreds of divisions and minor
castes have sprung.
Causal Body This "body," which is in reality no body at all, either
objective or subjective, but Buddhi the Spiritual Soul, is so-called because
it is the direct cause of the Sushupti state leading to the Turiya state,
the highest state of Samadhi. It is called Karanopadhi, "the basis of the
cause," by the "Taraka Raja" Yogis, and in the Vedanta System corresponds to
both the Vijanamaya and Anandamayakosha (the latter coming next to Atma,
and therefore being the vehicle of the Universal Spirit). Buddhi alone could
not be called a "Causal body," but becomes one in conjunction with Manas,
the incarnating Entity or Ego.
Chela (Sans.) A disciple. The pupil of a Guru or Sage, the follower of some
Adept, or a school of philosophy.
Chrstos (Gr.) The early gnostic term for Christ. This technical term was
used in the fifth century bc by Aeschylus, Herodotus and others. The
Manteumata pythocresta, or the "Oracles delivered by a Pythian God" through
a pythoness, are mentioned by the former (Cho. 901), and Pythocrstos is
derived from chrao. Chrsterion is not only "the test of an oracle," but an
offering to, or for, the oracle. Chrstes is one who explains oracles, a
"prophet and soothsayer," and Chrsterios, one who serves an oracle or a
God. The earliest Christian writer, Justin Martyr, in his first Apology,
calls his coreligionists Chrstians. "It is only through ignorance that men
call themselves Christians, instead of Chrstians," says Lactantius The
terms Christ and Christians, spelt originally Chrst and Chrstians, were
borrowed from the Temple vocabulary of the Pagans. Chrstos meant, in that
vocabulary, "a disciple on probation," a candidate for hierophantship; who,
when he had attained it, through Initiation, long trials and suffering, and
had been anointed (i.e., "rubbed with oil," as Initiates and even Idols of
the Gods were, as the last touch of ritualistic observance), was changed
into Christos-the "purified" in esoteric or mystery language. In mystic
symbology, indeed, Christes or Christos meant that the "way," the Path, was
already trodden and the goal reached; when the fruits of the arduous labor,
uniting the personality of evanescent clay with the indestructible
Individuality, transformed it thereby into the immortal Ego. "At the end of
the way stands the Christes," the Purifier; and the union once accomplished,
the Chrstos, the "man of sorrow" became Christos himself. Paul, the
Initiate, knew this, and meant this precisely, when he is made to say in bad
translation, "I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you," the
true rendering of which is, "& until you form the Christos within
yourselves." But the profane, who knew only that Chrstos was in some way
connected with priest and prophet, and knew nothing about the hidden meaning
of Christos, insisted, as did Lactantius and Justin Martyr, on being called
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