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come to where I am.
 You are Elsewhere, in the world where Lyonesse was once, the Queen said.
 None of us who lived there in its past may go back again. You know that much;
at least. What has been cannot be changed.
 I can move you here, if you really want to come. Just say so.
 I will not let you take me against the Time, to break its Laws. Nor can you
bring me there against my will.
 Frankly, said KinetetE,  you re right. No, I can t.
 So! Morgan s voice was triumphant.  You admit a weakness!
 Which you don t; and which is the reason I know more than you do and keep on
learning more. The Knight-Dragon will take care of you eventually, no doubt.
But for now he must be tired, standing there and listening to us talk. I
suggest you put him back carefully as he was; and don t bother him or anyone
with him, from now on. I may not be able to get us together, but there are
sendings I can direct your way; and I can promise there won t be one of them
you like.
 Sendings cannot touch me.
 These can. But as I say, enough of this. Send Jim back now while I m still
 Jim? Knight-Dragon? What is he? Both or which? What s his name?
 Don t you wish you knew? As far your other question goes, he s the
Knight-Dragon because he can be either knight or dragon-even in Lyonesse.
 Nonsense! But I m glad to be rid of you both. Go, Knight-Dragon; and your
name and bodies with you!
Jim was back, sitting on Gorp-who gave a grunt of surprise at the sudden
weight returned to his saddle.
Jim came close to giving a grunt of surprise himself. He, Gorp, and the
sumpter horse were back in the forest of Lyonesse, but not in the glade where
they had been when the shadows snatched him away from Brian and the weeping
Morgan le Fay s voice spoke out of the air beside him, savagely.
 Very well, my Knight-Dragon! I have done what your friend asked, but just
because I couldn t lift your ward doesn t mean you aren t going to lose it
along the way-and then you will be one to find what it means to anger Queen
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Morgan le Fay. I ve just sent you and your beasts to the Forest Dedale. May
you enjoy yourself there!
Jim got a sudden, very clear impression that Morgan le Fay had now abandoned
 Hell! he said. He leaned back to make sure that the sumpter horse s lead
rope was securely tied to his saddle, then put them all in motion. He was
moving at random, possibly in the wrong direction, but it helped him to feel
he was attacking the situation rather than sitting baffled and helpless.
This was a fine start for three heroes who had gone off to perform a rescue.
Dafydd left behind in another Kingdom entirely, Brian almost surely tricked
into going off on a rescue that was probably a trap even he couldn t fight
himself out of-and Jim, himself, having already found an enemy in the most
powerful magician still active in Lyonesse; and not even knowing where he was.
The Forest Dedale?
The name  Dedale baffled him-though it had a familiar ring, as if he ought
to know it. It sounded something like a French word, but what did it mean? He
had an uncomfortable feeling about it. Morgan le Fay would not have sent him
here if it was a pleasant or happy place to be. But the meaning of the name,
if any, eluded him; though there was a faint tickle in the back of his mind...
if only he could pin it down to some specific meaning...
 Dedale... Dedale... He said it out loud, and Gorp looked back at him
curiously. The sumpter horse ignored him completely and thought about grazing
on the ground cover. Hopefully it would not turn out to be poisonous to
horses. Jim went on thinking.
French, of course, was a latinate language, so there should be an ancestor of
that word familiar to Romans-or even ancient Greeks. He knew Latin to some
extent; but this did not sound as if it could be twisted into a word in that
tongue. More likely the ancestor was a classic Greek one-he had it!
Daedalus, of course! It all came back to him suddenly. The man, according to
legend, who created the Labyrinth in Crete, to contain the Minotaur, the
manlike monster with the head of a bull. Theseus was the name of the hero who
finally killed it-and Daedalus died when the daughters of King Cocalus poured
boiling water over him as he sat in his bath. They really liked gruesome
endings in those early legends-come to think of it, so they did in this other
time he had chosen to live in.
 Of course! said Jim out loud.  A Maze! That s what it is!
 What s a maze, m Lord? asked Hob in his right ear. The little hobgoblin had
moved out onto Jim s shoulder.
A puzzle. A place that someone made deliberately hard to find your way out
of, said Jim.  That s what this Forest Dedale is-this place Morgan le Fay s
landed us in.
 Is it a bad place, then?
I don t suppose, said Jim,  that it s any worse than any other location in
Lyonesse-except that it s like a closed box with only one hole in it. I ll
just have to find that hole so we can get out.
 If it s a box with only one hole, said Hob,  I can find the way out for us
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in no time at all, my Lord.
 Yes, my Lord. All you have to do is light a fire.
 Just light a fire?
 Oh, yes, said Hob.  If you make me some smoke, I can ride it to find the
hole. If there s a way out of any kind of box, smoke will find it.
Jim hauled on the reins; Gorp stopped, and the sumpter horse had to check
abruptly to keep from running into the stallion s hindquarters, with the
danger of automatically being kicked.
It glared at Jim s back. Now what? it was clearly saying. Jim, used to the
sumpter horse and its ways, ignored it.
 Hob, he said,  you re a genius.
 Oh, thank you, m Lord! said Hob; and hesitated.  Er-my Lord, is it good or
bad to be a genius?
 It s good, very good, grunted Jim, now bent over, scanning the ground from
his saddle for twigs and other small burnables to start a fire with.
 Oh, thank you, m Lord! Why am I a genius?
 Because you thought of using smoke to find our way out. I know about how you
ride smoke, but it just never occurred to me to use it here.
He dismounted as he spoke, to gather some twigs and dry grass; and began to
struggle with flint and steel to get a spark. He had finally learned how to
use the two for that purpose, but use still did not come easy. After several
ineffective strikes of the one against the other, a spark did jump, the dry,
dead ground cover he had piled in a small heap for tinder began to smolder-and
seconds later a small flame wavered upward.
 Oh, good! said Hob happily, leaping on the first thin waft of smoke that
lifted from the flames.  Be right back, m Lord.
He zipped off, out of sight in an instant between the black trees. Jim sat
back, cross-legged on the ground, wondering how soon  right back might be.
After a few minutes, it occurred to him that in such a position he might be at
a disadvantage if he was faced with a sudden attack by man, beast, or
whatever. He climbed back onto Gorp; and, sitting there, lost himself in
trying to think of a really popular fourteenth-century song that ended with
everybody happy.
 Here I am! sang Hob, bringing him back abruptly.  I found the way out,
m Lord. He hovered in the air on his waft of smoke a foot or so in front of
Jim s eyes.  It s easy. First you go right, then you go left, then you go left
again, then you go right, and then left and another right and another right-
 Hold it, said Jim.  Why don t you just show me the way, instead of telling
me? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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