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holiday cheer, to make the lives of others better? It ll be some of the best time you ve ever spent,
and an amazing side benefit is that you ll feel better about yourself, instantly.
19. Be grateful. I m a firm believer in gratitude, as anyone who s been reading this blog for very
long knows well. But I put it here because while being grateful for what you have in life, for what
others have given you, is a very humbling activity ... it can also be a very positive and rewarding
activity that will improve your self-image.
20. Exercise. Gosh, I seem to put this one on almost every list. But if I left it off this list I would
be doing you a disservice. Exercise has been one of my most empowering activities in the last
couple years, and it has made me feel so much better about myself. All you have to do is take a
walk a few times a week, and you ll see benefits. Start the habit.
21. Empower yourself with knowledge. Empowering yourself, in general, is one of the best
strategies for building self-confidence. You can do that in many ways, but one of the surest ways to
empower yourself is through knowledge. This is along the same vein as building competence and
getting prepared ... by becoming more knowledgeable, you ll be more confident ... and you become
more knowledgeable by doing research and studying. The Internet is a great tool, of course, but
so are the people around you, people who have done what you want, books, magazines, and
educational institutions.
22. Do something you ve been procrastinating on. What s on your to-do list that s been
sitting there? Do it first thing in the morning, and get it out of the way. You ll feel great about
23. Get active. Doing something is almost always better than not doing anything. Of course,
doing something could lead to mistakes ... but mistakes are a part of life. It s how we learn.
Without mistakes, we d never get better. So don t worry about those. Just do something. Get off
your butt and get active  physically, or active by taking steps to accomplish something.
24. Work on small things. Trying to take on a huge project or task can be overwhelming
and daunting and intimidating for anyone, even the best of us. Instead, learn to break off small
chunks and work in bursts. Small little achievements make you feel good, and they add up to big
achievements. Learn to work like this all the time, and soon you ll be a self-confident maniac.
25. Clear your desk. This might seem like a small, simple thing (then again, for some of you it
might not be so small). But it has always worked wonders for me. If my desk starts to get messy,
and the world around me is in chaos, clearing off my desk is my way of getting a little piece of my
life under control. It is the calm in the center of the storm around me.
 Somehow I can t believe that there are any heights that can t be scaled by a man who
knows the secrets of making dreams come true. This special secret, it seems to me, can
be summarized in four Cs. They are curiosity, confidence, courage, and constancy, and
the greatest of all is confidence. When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way,
implicitly and unquestionable.
 Walt Disney
" " "
Live Your Life Consciously
 A life lived of choice is a life of conscious action. A life lived of chance is a life of
unconscious creation.  Neale Donald Walsch
As much as possible, I try to live my life by bringing to my consciousness what is bubbling up
from my unconsciousness.
I try to clear the fog through which we often drift, to see where I m going, to make conscious
choices instead of automatic ones.
Do you ever have a feeling that you re drifting through life, and not going where you want to go?
Or that you don t know how you got where you are today?
Living consciously is about taking control of your life, about thinking about your decisions rather
than making them without thought, about having a life that we want rather than settling for the
one that befalls us.
If you re drifting through life, or feel out of control, or don t know how you got here ... deciding
to live consciously could be the single most important thing you do.
Are you living
Are you living unconsciously now?
unconsciously now?
Ask yourself the following questions ... if you find yourself saying yes to many of them, you might
want to consider trying conscious living:
1. Are you in a job that you fell into rather than the job you want?
2. Are you doing things that are given to you rather than what you love to do?
3. Are you spending your time doing busy work rather than what you want to do with
your days?
4. Do you wish you could spend more time with loved ones?
5. Do you find yourself overweight because you ve been eating the food you ve been
eating for years and stuck in a rut of not exercising?
6. Do you find yourself living from paycheck to paycheck or in debt, not knowing where
your money goes?
7. Do you find yourself wasting your time doing things that aren t important rather
than focusing on completing the things that are very important?
8. Do you go through your days not thinking about what you want out of life and how
to get it?
If you answered  no to all of these questions, you re probably already living consciously, and you
don t need this article at all. For those who would like to live more consciously, read on.
How to Live Life Consciously
It s not something you can change overnight. Living consciously is a lifestyle, a skill, an art. It s
not something you do just once, but a habit that you can form for the rest of your life.
But it is deceptively simple: Be conscious, and think about everything you do. Make conscious
choices rather than doing things without thinking. That s all.
It sounds simple, but it s amazing how few people actually do this, and it s amazing how easy it
is to live life on autopilot, and just do what we always do because that s what we re used to doing.
And it s easier that way, even if our lives are difficult.
It s not easy to changes our lives, to break out of our routines, to begin to live the lives we want.
It takes willful effort, energy and constant vigilance to think about our choices ... all of them.
we can make conscious Here are some key tips that have worked for me:
decisions to change how we
1. Make reflecting on your life a regular
routine. Whether you keep a journal, or make
spend our time in the future
reflecting on your day part of your evening routine,
or have a weekly session where you review your life or take some time away from the office to
reflect on everything ... it s important that you give things some thought. Regularly.
2. At least once a year, set or review your life s goals. What do you want to do in life? What
is important to you? What do you want your life to be like? And how will you get there? Write it
down, and keep it somewhere you will see it often, and take action.
3. Also review your relationships. The people we love are among the most important things
in our lives, if not the only important things. You need to think about your relationships. Do you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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