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Tricks in Magic, Illusions and Mental Phenomena--Head of Ibykus, or Talking Skull
Tricks in Magic, Illusions and Mental
H.J. Burlingame
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Head of Ibykus, or Talking Skull
While your assistant shows the head around to the audience holding it
on a platter or server, you put two chairs back to back, a short distance
from each other.
At one side of stage is a small table on which lies your wand and over
the wand lies a strong black thread, both ends of which lead off to
your assistant behind the scenes or in the next room. Near this table
stands a sheet of glass, which has been ground smooth on both sides.
You fetch this, let it be examined, and as you return to stage, place it
upright in your left hand, and let it lean against the left shoulder.
With your right hand pick up wand, thread with it, lay the hand on the
upper narrow side of the glass plate, hold it out in front of you flat, i.e.
level, and assistant lets thread loose enough and holds both ends wide
apart, so that the middle lies around the right narrow side. As soon as
this is done, place glass on the chair backs, pressing it down on the
four corners where it strikes the chair sides, on top of which it rests
and on each one of same is previously put little wax so glass rests
Now assistant has the thread under control, it goes from his right hand
over and across the glass, around the narrow side and back to his left
hand, and he can pull it back and forth without its sticking.
You now take head, place it on glass behind the thread and take the
upper thread, which assistant lets loose a little and loop it once around
the pin in lower jaw. Now if assistant holds left thread securely and
pulls on the right, the head nods, and if he pulls first one and then the
other to and fro, head moves back and forth on glass. First meaning
"Yes" second "no." Now you can put a globe over it to show there is
no connection, but see that a foot is on the globe or a slit in it, that is
towards front, so thread can move easier.
Now of course head answers questions, and tells chosen cards, and
always looks or turns sideways whenever you face audience, but when
you face it, it faces you or straight ahead as though nothing had
occurred. This always awakens laughter, and finally you catch the
head at it, and ask why he is always looking to one side, if his bride is
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Tricks in Magic, Illusions and Mental Phenomena--Head of Ibykus, or Talking Skull
there? And he answers with a yes. And so on, tells age of person, how
many years before a young lady will marry, if she will be blessed with
children, etc., etc., and to last question it keeps on nodding (knocking
or rapping) till you command it to stop, and immediately goes at it
Now ask one or two gentlemen to come up and lift the glass globe and
examine all. Before gentlemen get there; ask the head if he knows
them, no. Ask if they can come up and examine him, yes; and as they
approach, assistant lets upper thread loose, and pulls the lower slowly
and quietly, and loop works off the pin and then pull in quickly so
gentlemen can examine. If head is to answer by moving jaw, etc., take
out the pin from upper right back of lower jaw, and then jaw moves on
pulling the thread.
If head is to smoke, place it on table top, in which are two ferules
fitting into holes in bottom of head, from the lower ends of these lead
out two rubber tubes, back to assistant. Place a cigarette in left
opening between teeth, hold match to it, assistant draws and blows
smoke through the other tube, if smoke is not strong enough, assistant
has another cigar to smoke, and head quietly smokes the cigarette
while you prepare for another trick.
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Tricks in Magic, Illusions and Mental Phenomena--The Mango Tree
Tricks in Magic, Illusions and Mental
H.J. Burlingame
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The Mango Tree
The rod of the table which may be a glass topped one, contains a
piston, to which are fastened or rather hinged, ribs of an umbrella, the
whole contrivance lying folded up in the hollow leg of the table. When
the string of piston is pulled, the latter raises above surface of table
and the hinged arms spread out by their own weight.
The piston rod has branches or arms which are made to resemble
branches of a pink plant or rosebush by attaching to them feather
leaves and flowers. (Pinks folding smaller than roses are preferable.)
The flower flower pot used is a double one consisting of a heavy
outside bottomless shell, the inside pot proper being made of tin and
filled with sand.
After being examined the inside pot is got rid of, leaving only outside
pot which is placed on table. In due time the piston raises and under
cover of the handkerchief laid over the pot, the tree expands and
visibly grows, fill at last it has attained its proper height. It is then
shown and the flowers which are detachable, are, apparently snipped
off and thrown over into a basket, which is exchanged for a similar
basket of natural flowers, which are then distributed to audience.
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Tricks in Magic, Illusions and Mental Phenomena--Queen of Knives
Tricks in Magic, Illusions and Mental
H.J. Burlingame
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Queen of Knives
Have a large block of wood about one foot in diameter, fasten into the
floor or ground, it is about 3 feet high and round. Have a knife about [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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